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User Guide

Welcome to CatBot user guide.

Image of CatBot

CatBot is a chat bot that can help you to organise your tasks and schedule.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed.
  2. Download the latest catbot.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your AddressBook.
  4. Start the jar file from a terminal using java -jar catbot.jar. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.
  5. Type in a command in the command box to execute it. Type help to see all the commands available.
  6. Refer to features below for details of each command.


Notes about the command format:

Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. e.g. in add /at TIME, TIME is a parameter which can be used as event abc /at 2020 11 11.

Items in square brackets are optional. e.g help [KEYWORD] can be used as help event or as help.

Time representation: Format of time can be DD MM YYYY [HH MM] or YYYY MM DD [HH MM] or a string. Date segment is DD MM YY and time segment is HH MM. Delimiter between date can be ., space, - or /. Delimiter between time can be ., space or :. Delimiter between date and time can be space or T.

Add Todo Task: todo

Create a new todo task.


Example of usage: todo homework

Expected outcome: Create a new todo task with description homework.

Add Deadline Task: deadline

Create a new deadline task.

Usage: deadline DESCRIPTION /by TIME

Example of usage: deadline homework1 /by 2020-11-11

Expected outcome: Create a new deadline task with description homework1 and time 2020-11-11.

Add Event Task: event

Create a new event task.

Usage: event DESCRIPTION /at TIME

Example of usage: event summer camp /at 2020-11-11 11:22

Expected outcome: Create a new event task with description summer camp and time 2020-11-11 11:22.

List tasks: list

List the tasks stored. Optionally, list tasks on a specific date.

Usage: list [TIME]

Example of usage: list 2020-11-11

Expected outcome: List all task on 2020-11-11.

Mark Task As Done: done

Mark a task at some index as done.

Usage: done INDEX

Example of usage: done 1

Expected outcome: Mark task at index 1 as done.

Delete Task: delete

Delete a task at some index.

Usage: delete INDEX

Example of usage: delete 1

Expected outcome: Delete task at index 1.

Find Task: find

Find a task based on description


Example of usage: find homework

Expected outcome: List all task with homework in description.

Sort Tasks: sort

Sort tasks based on description or time. Task without a time have higher precedence.

Usage: sort description or sort time

Example of usage: sort time

Expected outcome: Sort tasks stored by time.

List tasks: help

Get help message. Command can be specified to show help for that command.

Usage: help [KEYWORD]

Example of usage: help list

Expected outcome: Show help message for command list.

List tasks: bye

Exit program.

Usage: bye

Example of usage: bye

Expected outcome: Program will close in 5 seconds.


Cat picture is from Chi’s Sweet Home by Kanata Konami. All rights belong to the original creator. No copyright infringement intended.